Incubating ideas for research, so that they can emerge.

Translating insights into interaction, so that they can evolve.


It is our goal to make frontier research more accessible and relatable to the public by producing playful and interactive installations, and other accessible forms of media. Some previous experiments have been covered on our blog, like translating a research area of communities x physical space into this interactive experiment. We focus on emerging technologies like blockchain, artificial life, probabilistic programming, and other topics of interest (see below).

We attempt to answer questions like: Who are we building this technology for? Who at the end of the day benefits from innovation? What is an ideal world, and how should we create it together?

By educating and inviting the public to participate in answering these questions, we ensure that the answers are not limited to technologists and scientists, but also include those who are impacted by the future we build together. This will allow for the greatest chance for the long-term impact of sustainable progress, and ultimately, the conscious creation of an ideal and diverse world. Read more about our ethos in our white paper.


Open Call for Research

We are creating the infrastructure for resonant projects to grow and are currently accepting proposals for research. We are looking for researchers to collaborate with for our pilot experiment. Our prompt to you: propose a cutting-edge project that translates emerging fields of research into interactive, impactful experiences. Whether it’s an installation, interactive digital publication, event, field trip, or product, we want to see your creativity and sensibility come to life.

We provide financial support up to 500,000 JPY, event space / equipment, a community of researchers and architects, and a platform for content and media exposure.

If you’re interested, apply to our pilot cohort program here.


Topics of Interest

Blockchain and Decentralized Governance

We are investigating blockchain’s potential to transform governance or the way we think about human coordination — this could range from assisting a researcher to create an interactive experience showcasing a new decentralized model in action. We are addressing questions such as: What are the benefits and challenges of decentralized governance? How can we ensure inclusivity and fairness in these systems?

Digital and Experience Architecture

We are reimagining physical and digital spaces, and their role in shaping cultural and social interactions. Specifically, this involves designing immersive environments, responsive installations, or digital interfaces that enhance user engagement or representation. Questions to explore include: How can space design foster community and inclusivity? What technologies can be used to make spaces more adaptive and personalized?

AI / LLMs / Probabilistic Computing

We are exploring AI’s role as a facilitator and agent of human potential, and interested in developing projects that demonstrate AI’s capabilities and ethical considerations. This could involve creating AI agents, interactive AI-driven experiences, or educational tools about AI ethics. Key questions might include: How can AI be used responsibly and ethically? What are the implications of creating AI agents that mimic human behavior?

Artificial Life, Computational Cognition + Biology

We are interested in facilitating experiments or simulations exploring embodied computing and human-technology interfaces in a creative format. Potential projects could include virtual reality experiences, biofeedback installations, or sensory augmentation devices. Questions to consider: How can technology assimilate with, extend, or enhance human senses? What are the ethical implications of modifying human biology through technology?

Relation of Media + World

We are interested in examining media consumption’s impact on real-world interactions, and investigating trends like how the current evolution of social media impacts both the content producer and consumer. Some questions we are considering are questions such as: What are the implications of parasocial relationships on personal and societal levels? How do media consumption habits impact social behavior and mental health?