Experience architecture

Experience architecture at Digital Architecture Lab explores the art of creating spaces where authentic connections and shared experiences can naturally emerge.

Experience architecture at Digital Architecture Lab explores the art of creating spaces where authentic connections and shared experiences can naturally emerge. Aligning with our philosophy of resistance to reduction—where we challenge the tendency to oversimplify complex human experiences—we’re discovering how to design environments that honor the power of empty space, the fertile ground between people, ideas, and moments. Drawing inspiration from Asian philosophical concepts such as “ma” (間), we’re learning how true engagement often flourishes in these intentionally crafted intervals that are typically overlooked in favor of more measurable outcomes.

Through various experiments, from interactive installations to engaging events, we continue to study how thoughtfully designed spaces can invite spontaneous collaboration and community building. Our ongoing exploration suggests that genuine experience architecture isn’t about controlling every detail, but about creating conditions where magic can naturally unfold—where the emergent interactions and connections between participants shape transformative experiences we couldn’t have predicted.

More projects

Joi’s Media

A project primarily composed of Joi Ito’s Podcast and Joi Ito’s YouTube, DAL wants to empower more viewers to design their own digital sensibilities.

weekly gm


MESH Studio

MESH Studioは、アイデアを形にするべく、実験を通じて人々と研究者がコラボレーションする機会を提供するプラットフォームである。

Crypto Cafe & Bar

クリプト ・カフェ ・アンド ・バー
恵比寿にある会員制のCrypto Cafe & Barは、日本のweb3コミュニティのハブとして機能します。世界中の他のクリプトバーと提携し、グローバルなクリプトバーネットワークを構築することを目指しています。